And later on, she actually does take action to fight a war.

No line by the Queen about not taking any action that will lead to war, since it’s not really up to her anyway….the invasion has already started. Trimmed throne room scene to get to the point that this is an invasion.(The line “Well no, but uh…” is still cut.) RE: Reinstated the lines “Have you ever encountered a Jedi Kmight before, Sir?” and “That won’t be enough, Sir” to help emphasize how powerful the Jedi are for the audience.RE: When the assassination attempt occurs on the Jedi, Qui-Gon’s line about what the name of the poison gas is has been cut.Neimodian dialog trimmed down to make them more threatening and less dumb/scared.

Now the first line by a human is “I have a bad feeling about this.” Initial dialog asking permission to board cut.New opening crawl (RE: A completely revised crawl!).RE: Remove the use of “Darth” for anyone except Darth Vader.RE: Further focus on the notion that fear of loss will be Anakin’s downfall.There still is no hint or way to link him as a Sith Lord. RE: The audience is allowed to view Palpatine as a bit more manipulative now, though in this narrative we merely see his motives as a pure power grab to become chancellor.Ĝompletely revised final battle sequencing, to make the true climactic moment be the Jedi Battle with Maul, and the death of Qui-Gon.The Pod race greatly shortened, and only follows Anakin around the track.Politics in general have been greatly reduced.ěattle droids do not talk (except just once).Removal of all mentions midichlorians, “chosen one,” virgin birth.Basically, if it could be cut without affecting the plot or damaging the visual/audio, it has been cut. His lines and antics are extremely cut down throughout the movie. Jar-Jar is cut to the absolute minimum even the underwater city visit is completely gone.This also makes Darth Maul’s appearance more mysterious and menacing. The Federation (e.g., the Viceroy) has apparently acted on their own accord in trying to take over Naboo. This is so that the “reveal” that Palpatine is Lord Sidious does not take place until Episode III. Lord Sidious does not appear in the movie.Note: Changes specific to the Revisited Edition are prefaced with “RE:” Remove as much bad humor, bad acting, boring politics, and Jar-Jar as possible, yet still retain a strong sense of story that leads directly into my Episode II.Help link the PT with the OT by introducing characters that span across them: R2D2 & C3P0 Jabba the Hut Greedo Obi-Wan and of course, Yoda.Ědhere to the spirit and style of the OT as closely as possible, remembering that the audience includes both those who are young as well as those who are young at heart.Plant the seeds for future understanding of why Naboo was attacked in the first place by the Federation (hint: Palpatine’s power grab to become Chancellor is what starts the ball rolling, and is the only thing we learn in this episode.).Highlight the beginnings of the future romantic relationship between Anakin and Padme.Present Anakin as a strong with the Force, with great compassion and feeling for others… but also is clearly perceived as dangerous to train as a Jedi.Thus, Lord Sidious does not appear in this edit, making the appearance of the Sith as much a mystery to the audience as they are to the Jedi. Make the identity of the Emperor a true secret until Episode III.The Federation now is a rogue group that eventually evolves into the “separatist” movement in my Episode II. Ĝhange the Trade Federation to just “The Federation.” This change is meant to reduce the politics involved with the PT.ğocus on giving the audience a clear introduction to the Jedi and the Force even if not fully explained, there should be enough information via the Crawl, dialog, and actions to make a clear impression on the audience about who the Jedi are and what they can do, due to “the Force.”.Provide a streamlined and engaging story that introduces us to the Star Wars Universe, where the magic and mysticism from the Original Trilogy (OT) take precedence over complicated plotting, politics, and CGI characters.To expand on what has already been said in my intention, my goals are to: